And I'm just crazy
Goin insanely
Ruckus come tame me
Uncontrollable shame
Meets intolerable aims
Of missing and wishing
But never you came
You never came
Current mood:
Indescribable. You never know whats next. Life is full of opportunities taken and opportunities missed. Chances blown, and thoughts turning into actions. Live your life in truth, live your life in honor, live your life in confidence. Dont let the people in your life who truly care about you, slip away. But set aside the unnecessary hollow people who block your vision of staying true. Decide on the way you want to live and live it. Keep your enemies few. Keep your support great. And keep your loved ones as close to you as possible & hold on to them for however long you can. Without communication you lose. Game over. If a person hears and understands what you are saying, everything is so much easier to deal with. Remember, to smile often. Dont "not be" yourself because it shows. When you say "I Love You", mean it. Dont let your head get too big, but dont let it get too small. There is a balance to confidence. Find it. You may never be the smartest, fastest, biggest, tallest, best looking, most conditioned, person. But rise above your difficulties. Meet your goals and expectations you set for yourself. And never say never. Go for the gold. Go big or go home. Show up and shape up. Cuz the time is now. Be ready for what ever comes your way. Face all adversity with 100% of your heart. And know that everyday is another opportunity to make a difference or to do something great.
-Michael Lopez-
Thank You.
Current mood:
When I take a step back and look at my life and who is in it, I am so grateful and thankful. It takes real love and compassion for the people around you, and real bonds and connections, to make you realize how much those people mean to you. I've been blessed to be surrounded with awesome friends, and of course my family. Even though most of my family that I am close with, I cannot see everyday, I am reminded each time I go to visit what the love of an aunt, cousin, or grandpa means to me. I usually take for granted the small things that the people in my life do for me, and I know I shouldn't. Because everyday that I get a smile, compliment, encouragement, or embrace, it helps me get through day to day. Knowing the love of people and how they express it to you can often be complicated, but I know that I have surrounded myself with such a great base of people to share that with. I have no time for holding grudges anymore; I'm getting too old for that. Life is too short to cut people out, or dislike people unless you have a good reason. Once again I am thankful and appreciative for the people in my life today. Family, friends, and everyone else who knows me; thank you for being yourself around me, and for knowing and hopefully appreciating who I am as a person, and what I have to offer.
If you just read this, that was for you.